- What we bear is not so important as how we bear it.
- We become happy by not needing happiness.
- Take care not to make your pain greater by your complaints.
- Who has the most? He who desires the least.
- This is education: to learn to wish that things should happen as they do.
- Freedom is not gained by satisfying, but by restraining our desires.
- Calamity is opportunity for courage.
- A man should stand upright, and not be kept upright by others.
- He has the longest of lives who suffers no time to be lost.
- They who do not keep striving to advance fall back; no one finds his progress as he left it.
- The arts serve life, but wisdom rules it.
- He who spares the bad wrongs the good.
- Truth conquers by itself, opinion by appealing to externals.
- Virtue does not come until the character is formed, and taught, and developed by continual exercise.
- No one is good by accident, virtue must be learned.
- Do nothing inconsiderately or without a purpose.